Who are you?

I am Andrew McKenna. I make photographs professionally in Scotland.

What’s this all about?

Do people really like the things they like, or are they told what to like?
It always seemed to me that magazines about a subject, be it music, fashion or what ever are all just telling you what you should or should not like.
Following fashion or being part of a scene is really just about fitting in. Being one of the crowd and you know, conforming.

So ever since I joined Substack I wanted to build a magazine called Conform.
As that’s always felt like the message from everywhere else.

I want to use this platform to tell stories about things I am passionate about.
Stories and projects from the place that I am from.

This publication will have clear brand guidelines.
Which I intend to break every couple of months.

Because who really wants to conform?

Subscribe to Conform

a blog about music and culture